Hysterectomy Specialist
Advanced OB/GYNE Associates
Obstetricians & Gynecologists & Women's Health Clinic located in Hoffman Estates, IL & Arlington Heights, IL
For several severe medical conditions, including fibroids, endometriosis, and endometrial cancer, a hysterectomy may prove to be your best treatment option. At Advanced OB/GYNE Associates in Hoffman Estates and Arlington Heights, Illinois, skilled women’s health care specialists, Dr. Andrea Das, Dr. Djamilia Kryukov, Dr. Louisa Griggs, and Dr. Samra Khalid bring their experience to bear helping women find the best course of treatment. These doctors perform laparoscopic hysterectomies utilizing safe and effective, state-of-the-art technology. For your individualized treatment plan, call or schedule an appointment online today.
Hystereectomy Q & A
What is a hysterectomy?
A hysterectomy is a surgery to remove the female reproductive organs. There are two different types: partial and total hysterectomies.
Partial hysterectomy
A partial hysterectomy involves the removal of your uterus.
Total hysterectomy
A total hysterectomy involves the removal of the uterus, cervix, and in some cases, the ovaries and fallopian tubes.
How is a hysterectomy performed?
Your Advanced OB/GYNE doctor most commonly performs a partial or total hysterectomy through a laparoscopic hysterectomy. The other options are abdominal or vaginal hysterectomy. Your doctor works with you to determine the best option for your individual needs.
Laparoscopic hysterectomy
During a laparoscopic hysterectomy, your doctor removes your uterus with three tiny incisions (1 cm or less) in your lower abdomen. The uterus is removed from the vagina. You’re typically discharged after an overnight stay and can get back to work and your daily routine quickly.
Vaginal hysterectomy
With a vaginal hysterectomy, your doctor removes your uterus through your vagina. The recovery is faster following a vaginal hysterectomy, but it’s only suitable in certain situations. For example, if your uterus is level with your umbilicus, your doctor will need to perform an abdominal hysterectomy instead. That involves removing your uterus through abdominal incisions.
Before your procedure, your doctor checks for any signs of cancer and considers your overall health to ensure you’re ready and prepared for surgery.
Testing before a hysterectomy usually involves one or more of the following:
- Pelvic ultrasound
- Endometrial biopsy
- Cervical cytology or Pap test
The type of hysterectomy your doctor recommends depends on a variety of factors, including the reasons for your hysterectomy, the size of your uterus, and if there’s a need to evaluate your upper abdomen.
When is a hysterectomy necessary?
Your Advanced OB/GYNE doctor first recommends different medical or minor surgical procedures to avoid a hysterectomy. A hysterectomy is only recommended when other methods have failed to alleviate your symptoms. Reasons for a hysterectomy include:
- Fibroids
- Endometriosis
- Uterine prolapse
- Chronic pelvic pain
- Gynecologic cancer
- Abnormal vaginal bleeding, where other methods failed.
Once you’ve had a hysterectomy, you’re infertile and can’t become pregnant. If you aren’t ready to end your fertility, you’ll need to consider other treatments.
What are the benefits of a hysterectomy?
A hysterectomy can be an effective solution that provides permanent relief from a range of medical conditions.
Advanced OB/GYNE doctors utilize modern technology to perform laparoscopic hysterectomies that allow for more precise, quicker, and more efficient surgeries involving less downtime and minimal scarring compared to a traditional hysterectomy.
If your doctor recommends a hysterectomy, she gives you valuable information to ensure you’re comfortable and ready for your surgery. To learn more, call the office or use online booking to schedule an appointment.
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